Disclaimer: Blisters, hot spots and more

Creepers Socks Disclaimer: For the Trail-Crushing, Peak-Bagging Adventurers and More

Hey there, you amazing trail warriors and summit seekers! Before you lace up your boots or trail runners and slip into your Creepers Socks for your next epic adventure, let's have a quick pow-wow about these foot-loving marvels:

1. Our socks are like that trusty trail buddy who's always got your back (or in this case, your feet). They'll stick with you through muddy trails, rocky scrambles, and those "are we there yet?" moments. But even the best trail companions can't work miracles. While we've engineered these beauties to help keep blisters at bay, we can't promise you'll finish your ultra or that grueling thru-hike with feet as fresh as when you started. (But imagine the blister bonanza without us - eek!)

2. Creepers Socks come loaded with foot-saving superpowers: moisture-wicking, temperature-regulating, odor-reducing merino magic. Results may vary, but hey, that's what makes each trail and trek an adventure, right?

3. Remember, our socks are your sidekicks, not your sherpas. They work best when paired with well-fitting shoes, proper foot care, and your own brand of outdoor enthusiasm - whether that's smashing out miles on gnarly singletrack or conquering that bucket-list peak.

4. By pulling on these socks, you're accepting that Creepers Socks can't be held responsible for any blisters, ouches, or "why did I think this was a good idea?" moments during your outdoor escapades. That's all part of the journey, folks!

5. If your feet are giving you more trouble than a surprise scramble or a sneaky false summit, maybe make a change and consult a doc. We're sock savants, not medical professionals and cannot guarantee to prevent blisters 100% of fix any medical conditions.

6. We're not here to trip up your consumer rights. This fun disclaimer doesn't affect any rights you have under local laws.

By wearing Creepers Socks, you're agreeing to this disclaimer faster than you can say "Trail magic!" or "Summit selfie!". We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer, probably while you're out there bagging another peak or crushing more miles.

Now go forth and conquer those trails and mountains, you crazy, wonderful, blister-defying adventurers!

Sep 10, 2024

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